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ClergyDenominational Staff

13th Annual Conference of PPCN

By June 28, 2012No Comments

Presbytery Pastoral Care Network
13th Annual National Gathering
Staying Afloat on Stormy Seas: Caring for Clergy in Trying Times
October 15-18, 2012
St. Simons Island, GA
Providing professional development, support, and resources for those caring for ministers throughout the Presbyterian Church (USA)

Epworth by the Sea Conference Center 100 Arthur J. Moore Drive St. Simons Island, GA 31522
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Join your colleagues in ministry for this outstanding conference on caring for clergy.
Step away from a hectic life for a few days. Learn about “compassion fatigue” among clergy, how to prevent it and what to do when it happens. Enjoy the beautiful surroundings of a 100-acre Christian retreat center located on the historic Frederica River.

Many forms of ministry today place clergy in the stressful environment of constant caregiving which can lead to “compassion fatigue.” Symptoms show up in many areas of church life: clergy misconduct, poor church management decisions, or the stressors inherent in COM responsibilities or the discontent within presbytery or denominational life. To address issues of compassion fatigue presbytery leaders must learn pro-active steps in order to help ministers in their care to remain spiritually, mentally, and physically healthy. This conference will bring together the resources of the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance National Response Team to address the small crises of church life as well as the large crises that lead to compassion fatigue among clergy.

The PDA leadership team will cover: 5 critical elements of pastoral resiliency • Why self-care isn’t enough – the secrets of compassion resiliency • How to transform pastors and COM members’ lives from the stress of reactivity to the calm effectiveness of intentionality • Skills to sustain longevity as a pastoral/professional care-giver • Integration of science and faith-filled practices • Powerful tools that can be integrated into pastoral care and worship • Ways to burn brightly and never burn out. “That which is to give light, must endure burning.” – Viktor Frankl

About the PDA leadership team: the Revs. Laurie Kraus, Jim Kirk, and Bruce Wismer, all pastors of Presbyterian Churches in Florida, have extensive experience in working with pastors and churches in crises situations. The Director of PDA, John Robinson, will also join the conference to provide a different perspective on the mission of PDA and how it can complement the work of PPCN.

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