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Church in an Evolving World

Evangelism Appropriate to Our Age

By September 5, 2008No Comments

Because so many people have been offended by a particular form of evangelism that is visible in our society, it is important that the church in our age reconsider the nature of sharing good news in our society. Evangelism is not the task of high powered speakers who have learned to play on the emotions of the hearer. Rather, it is the task of every believer in the natural interactions of their life.

Evangelism is not arrogantly beating a person over the head with a truth that we possess but rather pointing with wonder to a truth that we have experienced. It is good news experienced from the ground up. It makes space for the stirring of God’s grace in the most unexpected ways.

That truth is not just experienced in some boldly dramatic experience which knocks us off our feet but in the many ordinary ways that forgiveness, reconciliation, healing, love and other fruits of the Spirit make themselves felt in the continuing life of the Body.

As we become more conscious of how Christ is addressing us through such ordinary experiences, we will have more Good News to share.

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