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By June 10, 2015No Comments

Read Psalm 20, keep the text open before you.

Psalm 20

The Lord answer you [the Christ in me] in the day of
trouble! — Psalm 20:1
Psalm 20 is a prayer of petition on behalf of the king, God’s
anointed one. Seen as a prayer for the anointed, for Christians it
becomes a prayer for Christ’s victory.

We pray that God will be responsive to the Christ within us in time of trouble

(v. 1). Such a prayer centers in our worship (v. 2). We pray that Christ might
triumph in us and his will be fulfilled in us so that we might give
witness by our joy and our banners that we erect (vv. 4-5).

Verse 6 turns from petition to confidence that God will respond to Christ
within us. Such a victory would mean that we can shift our allegiance
from trust in the force of arms to trust in God’s faithfulness (v. 7).
As Christ did in his earthly life, so we can trust in God and
therefore resist the temptation to allow the threats of the world to
distort our obedience.

Our cry in the face of each new circumstance
is “Give victory to the King, O Lord; answer us when we
call” (v. 9). For each time, as Christ triumphs in us, we both shout
for joy and set up our banners indicating one more area of life
conquered for God’s purpose.

The full power of this psalm prayer can be felt if in verses 1-5,
we substitute “the Christ in me” for “you” and “Christ” for “your.”
It then becomes a prayer for those who are “in Christ” and seeking
to be faithful. Pray it slowly and meditate on what God is saying to
you through your prayer.


Set aside for a moment all the challenges that are currently facing you. Focus on what the Christ in you is seeking to do to shape your calling. May the Christ in you triumph over all the forces that seek to bully and coerce you.

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