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By June 17, 2016One Comment

This litany was prepared as a response to the conclusion of our 222nd General Assembly. Feel free to use it and or adapt it.

A Litany for the Body of Christ

“Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.”   I Corinthians 12:17


One:    Gracious God, the 222nd General Assembly has come to an end, and we prayerfully lift one another to your care.

All:  We confess that we have often been a divided Church and sometimes a divisive Church. Stir in us again the desire and determination to be your Church.

 One:    We offer thanks for those who have labored long, prayed earnestly, and sought to discern your will at this Assembly.

All:  We pray for commissioners, committee chairs, advisory delegates, moderators and denominational staff. Grant them rest and renewal after shouldering the tasks and responsibilities of this past week.

 One:   As decisions made in Portland ripple through presbyteries and congregations, we are mindful of the reactions and emotions that flow through us:

All:  Joy and hurt, Relief and anger, Confusion and clarity,         Anxiety and calm. We are a diverse people, and our responses to these decisions are diverse. We pray for openness to each other and for healing where there is pain. Let us remember: where one member of the body hurts, the whole body feels the pain. We are the body of Christ.

 One:    Hold our whole church in the palm of your hand, O God. Assure us again of your guiding presence and build in each of us a hope-filled vision of the future.

All: Bind us together in you and remind us of our common calling. We are the body of    Christ. Send us out as Christ’s body to minister in your name and to share the light and love of Christ throughout the world.

While I don’t know what specific decisions will be made at Portland, I know the diversity of response in our church to any Assembly.


One Comment

  • Elizabeth "Lib" McPherson says:

    This is a beautiful and appropriate litany. I will forward it to my Presbyterian family and friends. They will love this and join us as we pray this litany in this next few days.
    Steve, every time I receive words from you, I remember the days we served in Salem Presbytery.

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