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By October 22, 2021One Comment


Let me demonstrate the use of a 100-Word discipline as a way to make use of fiction in a parabolic form for our churches.  This discipline can be used to help both clergy and members examine some of the key foundations of our faith. 

Imagine asking your membership to take Jesus’ beatitudes and rewrite them as a description of the mission statement for your church. However, you are also asking them to do so in the framework of the 100-word story.  Therefore, they will have to shorten Matthew’s version of the Beatitudes and refine it to speak to your membership.

The whole process can stimulate Christian thinking as it is fleshed out in your church. This can provide the foundation for your membership doing theology from the bottom up. What is the Spirit saying, even unconsciously, in the ears of the membership? How are those reflections deepened as they measure them with the reflections of other members as well?

Here is my first attempt to rewrite the Beatitudes in a 100-word version. Even as I read them, I wonder what the impact would be on the membership. I can also imagine how it might provide some stimulating reflections for the clergy as they prepare to preach to the congregation.


Our Church will strive to:

Examine the poverty of our spirits, striving to experience the kingdom of heaven.

Accept mourning, for we will be comforted.

            Act with meekness, for the meek will inherit the earth.

            Seek blessings in right relationships, believing we will be filled.

            Demonstrate mercy and experience God’s mercy.

            Seek purity of heart so we can see God.

Be peacemakers as true children of God.

Seek blessings when we are persecuted and seek right relationships so we can experience the kingdom of heaven.

Seek blessings when insulted or persecuted as we obey Jesus.

Now its your turn

One Comment

  • Bill Hull says:

    Steve, thank you for this helpful reframing of the Beatitudes. For me, Jesus offers his message as an invitation, and you present the message as a commitment — both are helpful.

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