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ClergyCongregationsSpiritual Health

Congregational Care of Clergy (6)

By September 9, 2011No Comments

There is an ancient tale about the cobbler’s children having no shoes while the cobbler helps everyone else repair their shoes. Too often, there is a parallel challenge for pastors who address the spiritual needs of their congregation but neglect to attend to their own spiritual needs. It is easy, for example, to become so focused on providing a quality worship experience for others that you neglect your own worship needs. Since the spiritual health of a congregation may be directly affected by the spiritual health of the pastor, there is value in occasionally reflecting on how to support the pastor in attending to his or her spiritual health. The following are some topics to consider:
1. Has the leadership ever asked the pastor how s/he nurtures his or her spiritual health?
2. Has the leadership considered what in the responsibilities of the pastor might become a hindrance to the pastor’s spiritual health?
3. Does the congregation encourage the pastor to set aside specific time for personal prayer and spiritual nurture?
4. Does the congregation support the pastor in having sessions with a spiritual adviser?
5. Does the leadership occasionally take time in their meeting to lay hands on their pastor and pray for his or her ministry?
6. Has the leadership taken time to step back from their agenda and spend time with the pastor in prayerful examination of where God is directing the congregation?
7. Has the leadership ever considered how they might support the pastor in offering spiritual leadership as opposed to managing a religious organization?
8. In times of stress or conflict, does the leadership support the pastor in asking what God is saying to all of them in this time?
9. Is there a process whereby members of the congregation might comment on what the pastor does that best nurtures them spiritually?
10. Is the pastor encouraged to occasionally use his or her study leave to focus on spiritual growth?
11. Have both the pastor and the members of the leadership each make a list of ten statements about what it would mean for both the pastor and the membership to be spiritually alive. Then compare the lists and begin to shape a plan for both the pastor and the congregation.

What would you add to the list?

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