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Pastor Appreciation

By October 3, 2011One Comment

Someone has designated October as pastor appreciation month. It got me to thinking how both giving and receiving appreciation is good for the health of a pastor.

A quick computer search on thanks, thanksgiving, praise, etc. will demonstrate how central thanksgiving was to the life of Israel. When you look at Psalm 136, you will notice how Israel reviewed the significant dates of its history to form a litany of thanksgiving for God. On this month that focuses on appreciation, I encourage you to use Psalm 136 as a model and form your own litany of thanksgiving either on your own life or that of your congregation. Particularly for the latter, it would be beneficial to use it as part of your congregational worship. However, in private meditation, reviewing your life and identifying those significant turning points for which you can give thanks to God is a powerful reminder of how present God has been in your life and ministry.

To further your appreciation of God’s presence in ministry, challenge a trusted colleague to identify at least ten significant turning points for which s/he now gives thanks to God and then meet and share your mutual lists. My guess is that such an experience will enhance your appreciation for your own ministry and your shared ministry with a colleague.

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