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ClergySpiritual Health

Laughing With the Spirit

By January 6, 2012No Comments

Think about the stories you have read or those you know personally where a person has gotten themselves into deep trouble. Frequently it is because they took themselves too seriously. In some cases it was because they saw themselves as more important than they were. In other cases it was because they had the illusion that they were invincible. In almost all cases it was because they could not recognize the craziness of their behavior or position and weren’t able to laugh at themselves.

Long before you get yourself into deep trouble, it is critical that you understand how to laugh at yourself. It helps you keep perspective. Think about it as a pastor. You are called by God. Take a moment to reflect on the biblical stories of the fate of those called by God. They were neither invincible nor always right. Right after Peter, the one upon whom Christ would build his church, denied Jesus three times, do you think that he was under the illusion that as God’s chosen he was always right?

Take a moment to make a list of the ten stupidest things you have done in the last ten years. Include those times when you felt because you were called by God, you must be right in your position. Now take each of those ten and picture how God might laugh with you because of how you handled those situation. This doesn’t mean you were wrong, in some theoretical sense but if God were to find some aspect of your behavior comical, what would God laugh at?

As you begin this new year, don’t forget the power of laughter to help you retain a longer range perspective.

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