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Ten top Reasons People Refuse to Hear God’s Call

By August 9, 2013No Comments

God’s Call for All People

In the Reformed faith, we believe that all people have a call from God. Of course, not all people hear that call or respond to it if they do hear it. With apologies to David Letterman, I’ve tried to think about the ten top reasons a person might have to not hear God’s call.

First Five Excuses

10.         I’m too busy making a living to make time for additional responsibilities.

9.           I thought only clergy were called and I’m certainly not one of them.

8.           I’m not sure God actually calls specific people.

7.           How can you really be sure that it is God who is calling?

6.           I have family responsibilities that have to come first.

Second Five Excuses

5.           I don’t want the reputation of being a religious fanatic.

4.           Being called is a church thing. I’m spiritual but not religious.

3.           If I took God’s call seriously, I’d have to change my whole life.

2.           What God asks is not always practical in the real world.

1.           How can you respond to an invisible God who doesn’t always answer    when you call?

Why Listen to God’s Call in Your Life

The number one reason you might want to respond is that God is real and does have a call for you.

When your life is in concert with God’s intention for you, you will find the most satisfaction in life.

Next blog on excuses you can use to reject God’s call to be a pastor.

In the meantime check out the lives of clergy in the three volumes of “Clergy Tales–Tails”

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