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Company of Pastors


By January 27, 2014No Comments

The next several blogs guide the discussion drawn from Volume 2,  Clergy Tales–Tails: Wagging, Friendly but Exhausting. . While anyone might enjoy engaging in such a discussion, the blog is specifically designed to assist a Company of Pastors or clergy support group.


After the group has read, “The Gift Not Received,” and shared some general reactions to the story, the following questions might be offered for further discussion.

Allen hears the Dickerson family say : “what we are about to tell you has absolutely nothing to do with you. In fact, what makes this so hard is that Ellen and I have so much respect and admiration for you.” and then proceeds to share what is attracting them to change church membership, “the fun service in which the pastor was just an amazing and rather hilarious speaker. They described how their children were almost dancing in the aisles to the lively music of the band and absolutely fascinated by the images projected on the screens throughout the auditorium”

Describe the feelings of grief a pastor might experience upon hearing similar messages from an active church family. What is the healthiest ways that pastors can process their experience of grief upon hearing such a message?


 In what way does the Cain and Able story reflect the experience of clergy who work hard but see other pastors experiencing more success in building their ministries?

Allan discovers a secret that could damage Pastor Henry Harp’s successful ministry that has attracted several of Alan’s own membership away from his church.  “Now he held in his hand the power to kill or at least seriously damage Henry’s career. The Cain and Abel story wouldn’t leave his mind. He remembered God saying to Cain in response to his anger, ‘Sin is lurking at the door; its desire is for you, but you must master it.'”

How would you describe the power of sins like envy, fear of failure, desire for success, jealousy affecting the ministry of pastors? What are resources that help pastors resist such temptations?


 Allan reflects on what he considers the theory behind mega church growth. “He knew the whole theory of mega church growth was to remove all the symbols from what he would call the sanctuary and they called the gathering area. Sermons made brief reference to Scripture but mainly focused on uplifting lessons about life. Music was geared to be upbeat and shaped by the latest trends in the culture. The programs of the church combined entertainment and building supportive life skills together with some opportunities to engage in missions that made the participants feel good about what they were doing.”

How would you describe the theory behind such church growth? What are their strengths and what are their weaknesses? What are the strengths and weaknesses behind a more traditional approach to church ministry?


 When Allan heard about Henry’s battle with cancer, despite his previous thoughts, he immediately called him. “I just heard the news about your cancer and wanted to call and offer my prayers of support. I thought that perhaps it might be of help to talk to another pastor. …At that moment, the barriers had been removed. They were two pastors reaching out to each other.”

What makes it difficult to reach out to other pastors of a different theological stream? What might be the impact if we deliberately chose to do that?


Ask for any other responses to issues raised in the story. Remind them that next time they will discuss Did God Say?

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