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Presbytery’s Support of Vocation

By October 21, 2009No Comments

As I mentioned in yesterday’s blog, most pastors understand their call to ministry as extending beyond just the activities of their local congregation. In a parallel fashion to having responded to an inner-sense that moved them to enter the ministry, so they develop an interest in some particular aspect of their call that extends beyond their particular congregation. It may be an ecumencial or even inter-faith ministry in the community, a national issue about which they feel passionate, or an activity in their denomination’s work.

In support of the vocation of our pastors, what if the denomination lifted up and celebrated these many trans-congregational ministries of their pastors? A first step in support would be simply to have conversations with the pastors about a particular area of ministry in which they feel most passionate. Even the opportunity to name that for someone else and share what they are doing in that area would feel good.

A second step would be to provide a venue by which that area of ministry might be celebrated. That might begin by collectively celebrating the many areas of ministry in which people are engaged. For example, you might say at a public gathering, “In our conversations we have learned that the clergy of our denomination, in addition to their work in their congregations, are engaged in the following areas of ministry.” And then have the body participate in a litany that named and thanked God for having called pastors to participate in these areas of ministry. If the numbers were not too great, it would be good to name the pastors even as you identified the areas. For example, “John Smith, Ellen Jones, etc have devoted their gifts in a ministry to feed the hungry.” To which the body would respond, “We thank God for their efforts on behalf of the least of these, our brothers and sisters.” Then proceed to the next area of ministry to be identified. If it was a large presbytery, you might want to break the recognition down into geographical areas and celebrate one area at each meeting.

A third step would be to invite a group of clergy with a similar focus to develop a short presentation to the body about their work. Simply drawing them together to talk about their similar efforts would have its own value. The public presentation might stimulate others who might be interested in that area as well.

All of this would be a presbytery’s or judicatory’s way of nurturing the larger sense of call among their clergy.

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