The members of many mainline churches often draw back from utilizing Scripture in their decision making because they feel inadequate in their knowledge of Scripture. Yet they overlook the vast resource that God has provided them. Through worship and a variety of experiences of church education, they have gathered an awareness of a vast collection of Bible stories.
Traditionally the church has believed that God speaks to us through Scripture. When a church board or church members are faced with decisions in their lives, they should be invited to draw upon these memories of Biblical stories. As they think about the decision that is before them, they should be asked to prayerfully allow God to evoke in their memories Biblical stories that speak to their situation. When a specific story comes to mind, then that story should be explored in light of the issue that is before them.
For example, I was meeting with a person who had experienced some personal tragedy in his life and I asked him to think of a Biblical story that seemed related to his situation. He immediately thought of the story of Jesus and the disciples being caught in a storm on the Sea of Galilee and the disciples discovering that Jesus was asleep in the boat. As we explored the story together, we were able to reflect not only on his feelings that Jesus had gone to sleep on him during his time of need but also to explore how Jesus response to the disciples awakening him might suggest Jesus message for him.
A church board was concerned about the negative reaction of some long faithful members to what was happening in the church. When asked to think of a Biblical story, the story of the prodigal son arose. As they explored that story, they realized that some members felt like the older brother who was feeling ignored as the church expended its efforts on attracting new members.
The power of Biblical stories to set the framework for reflection. has several advantages for the body of Christians. First, it is easier for people to remember stories than specific quotes. Second, stories are more open ended and less prone to the problem of proof texting. At the same time, use of such stories enables a group to feel grounded in listening to God in their reflections.