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A Congregational Sabbath Day

By May 4, 2010No Comments

We have lost touch with the gift of a sabbath. Some rabbis have spoken of the Sabbath as a taste of heaven. I’m afraid that even most churches have reduced the sabbath to a day that is partially given over to worship but largely ignored with respect to its original intent. The Sabbath was never an individual experience. Read the explanations given in both Exodus and Deuteronomy and you will discover that the sabbath encompasses family, friends, strangers, animals, and the earth. To properly observe the sabbath, we must offer it to others and to the rest of creation as well.

As a beginning experience, what if the congregation intentionally provided a protected sabbath day for the pastor and family. I’m not talking about a day off from church responsibilities. Nor am I so bold to propose this possibility on a regular basis. What I’m speaking of is to work with the pastor to craft what s/he and family would do for a protected 24 hours in which they focused on their relationship with God and with each other. Brainstorm with the pastor how such a day would be constructed. What activity or lack thereof would contribute to the deepenng of their relationship with each other. How might they focus some time on nurturing their family relationship with God.

Now here comes the twist. After such an experience was provided for the pastor and family, how about following the Sabbath commandments inclination to spread the benefit of the Sabbath beyond yourself. Begin by allowing the pastor to share what has been learned by receiving the Sabbath experience from the congregation. Then make use of that experience to begin to plan a Sabbath day for the whole congregation. Invite the congregation to commit to participation in a sabbath experience. Each who chose to participate would voluntarily refrain for 24 hours doing any productive work and focus on nurturing their relationship with God and each other. All food preparation would take place before that day. No meetings, email business, etc. If they gathered with others, it would be for sharing in friendship and not in accomplishing anything.

Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Holy means different from all other days.

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