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A Gift of Grace

By April 16, 2009No Comments

Mission Presbtery in Texas has developed an intriguing way to demonstrate appreciation for the work of the pastor. Twice a year they write a letter to the clerk of Session (the lay leader of the congregation) and ask them to consider entering their pastor’s name into a drawing that they will have at the next presbytery meeting.

For the official board of the church to participate, they must first write a letter articulating what they appreciate about their pastor’s ministry. They are told that that letter will be put in a box along with other letters received and there will be a drawing of one of the letters at the next meeting.

The pastor whose name is drawn is offered a free weekend with their spouse at any place in the state all expenses paid. The second thing the board need to agree upon is that if their pastor’s name is drawn, they will give him a free weekend off. This is not part of vacation or study leave.

Of course the drawing builds excitement at the meeting and it becomes a concrete way that the Presbytery can affirm their ministry. But after the drawing, the Presbytery also sends the other letters back to the pastors so that they can see the positive things that their board is thinking about their ministry.

Think of the several benefits that could derive from such a practice over time.

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