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Church in an Evolving World

A Larger Ethical Screen

By June 24, 2008No Comments

An additional opportunity made possible by relating to structures above the local congregation is to enable Christians to wrestle with the complex ethical questions of our time. Many of the complex issues which face us have global implications and sound different depending on your condition, culture and position in life.

The Body of Christ reaches across age, sex, race, culture and economic status and binds us together in Christ. Being bound together does not require uniformity but demonstrates the strength of God’s diverse people. Building upon the strength of our diversity, we can trust that when the Body of Christ is gathered, Christ addresses us.

As a Body of Christ, we have a revealing Word to proclaim. We can bring together people who hear God differently on difficult issues. In doing so we can both enlarge our understanding of the issues and deepen our understanding of our faith.

Because we are united in Christ, we can rise above our fears and listen to Christians with perspectives totally in contrast to our understanding. It is not that they or we have the better perspective on the truth of any ethical challenge, but, rather, that the God of both yet has more truth for us to hear.

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