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By April 13, 2022No Comments

I am reaching out to subscribers to my blog, asking for a couple of favors from you. During my fifty years of ministry, I was continually aware of the challenge of helping my congregations address the issue of racism in both church and society. While I had some solid experiences over the years in doing that, I’ve now had time to draw from my experiences and study to develop some helpful material that I think would be supportive of other clergy as well. So here are the favors that I am asking.

The first is to ask you if you would spend less then five minutes watching the first video link I’m sending you and at least another five minutes emailing me your constructive feedback.

Do you think this video might stimulate interest in some of your other colleagues as well—why or why not. Send it to

If it seems interesting enough to cause you to want to dig a little deeper, then click on the second video and see if that deepens your interest enough to have even a brief conversation with me about exploring this  possibility. If so, send me a response or call me at 727-800-2737.

Here is video  #2

Up to this point, all this will cost you is the time to watch the videos. Even a third video is free.

If you and some colleagues decided to explore the possibilities of such a ministry, there would eventually be a cost of $197 for the whole eleven videos and a workbook that offers you templates and other material to support you.  But if you were willing to make that sort of investment, I would commit to contributing #100 of that fee to the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance which helps victims of all sorts of disasters all over the world. My objective is to help you in developing a positive approach to racism while also helping people caught in other forms of trauma and disaster.

I hope to hear from you.

Risk participating in advocating for healthy clergy and healthy congregations.

Get a free book in the process.


Steve McCutchan

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