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A Lunch of Humor

By May 12, 2009No Comments

Presbyteries have been through some very difficult times in recent years. The debate over sexuality is the most visible issue that has divided us one from the other, but there are lots of other pressures as well.

We know that Jesus said one of our most effective witnesses to the world is to demonstrate how we love each other in a manner reflective of how Jesus has loved us. A paraphrase of Jesus words is that the world will know that we are Jesus’ disciples if we love one another. If that is the criteria, how is it going within your presbytery?

As I have suggested in previous blogs, I think that laughter and humor can be an effective antidote to some of the relational poison that has been affecting us.

A simple suggestion that any presbytery leader or member of presbytery could take would be to have a lunch of humor. Invite several clergy to have lunch together. Make sure that there is theological diversity among the group. It would probably be possible to ask some cooks in a specific congregation to prepare the meal. That would surely be a gracious act that most congregations could accomplish if the group was of reasonable size.

The agenda, which should be announced ahead of time, is that each participant should bring their best religious joke or story and a humorous story that they have experienced in their own ministry. The leader should have a set of his or her own, but the objective is to get as many as possible to contribute.

Food and laughter can be healing contributors to any community. If a presbytery were able to arrange several of these lunches across the presbytery, my guess is that it would build better relationships that would help when the more difficult issues also need to be discussed.

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