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As we learn to express our hurt and anger to God, it is important that we recognize the importance of doing so with searing honesty. A simple analogy may help. Think of a child’s relationship with his or her parent. Would it be healthier for the child to hide feelings of anger or express them. A truly intimate relationship is one in which all our feelings are expressed and dealt with. It is an act of faith to believe that there is nothing that we are feeling that God is not capable of handling.

This is reinforced by the Scripture’s encouragement to express our hurt and anger to God. The psalms of lament are often raw, uncensored expressions of hurt and anger, frequently towards God. A classic example is Psalm 22, which begins with the well known words, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me.”  The fact that this is generally associated with Jesus words on the cross is also instructive. If Jesus can pray such a prayer, then it is appropriate for us to do so.

Let me give you an example of how Psalm 16, with a very slight rephrasing, can become a prayer for clergy in their stressful ministry.

Psalm 16 for Clergy
By Stephen McCutchan

Protect your clergy, O God, for in you they take refuge.

The clergy cry out to the Lord in distress: “You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you.”

As for the faithful ones in the church, they are the noble, in whom your clergy delight.

Those whose gods are other values multiply their sorrows; their drink offerings of violence your clergy will not honor or offer words of praise upon their lips.

The Lord is your clergy’s chosen portion and their cup; you hold their lot.

The boundary lines have fallen for the ordained in pleasant places; they have a goodly heritage.

Faithful clergy bless the Lord who gives them counsel; in the night also their heart instructs them.

They keep the Lord always before them; because God is at their right hand, they shall not be moved.

Because your clergy are called by God, their hearts are glad, and their souls rejoice; their bodies also rests secure.

For you do not give them up to Sheol, or let your faithful ones see the Pit.

You show your clergy the path of life.

In your presence there is fullness of joy; in your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Pray it aloud a couple of times and think of all of your clergy colleagues in need of such a prayer.



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