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By February 28, 2020One Comment


Purpose is to explore the impact of clergy extending unsolicited and unanticipated appreciation for another clergy’s ministry.

Process: You would select three to five pastors to whom you would write a letter of appreciation for their ministry. Preferably you would have some specific area of ministry in mind. For example, you might thank them for their preaching skills, for their pastoral leadership, or for their strong stand on a social issue, etc.

Having expressed your thanks for their ministry, you might say something like, “As a token of my thanks for your ministry, I’m giving you a ten-dollar bill. I ask you to only spend it on something that will indulge you—a movie ticket, a hot-fudge sundae, or a book to remind you that they are appreciated.”


It can stop right there. The fun will be in the anticipation of their responses.

You could add a PS. “While there is no response requested, if you want to participate in the Attitude of Gratitude project, I encourage you to select your own three pastors and write each of them a letter. It’s a thirty dollar investment in healthy ministry.”

A couple of possible variations:

  1. In your selection of recipients, choose one from a large church, one from a small church, a pastor from a different denomination, one from a different community, and perhaps to the pastor who succeeded you in a former church.
  2. Or, select a couple of pastors that you have never met. Look them up on their church website and identify some specifics for which you will offer thanks.
  3. Or, select one or more from the judicatory level of your church. It’s fun to anticipate their surprise.

This is the beginning of the idea. I look forward to hearing both your response and the response of your recipients.

It would be great if the idea began to spread.

Thanks for participating.


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Steve McCutchan

Steve McCutchan

One Comment

  • SIBYL H HULL says:

    You are full of great ideas! I hope you get lots of responses and I’d love to hear about them.

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