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A Sabbath Perspective

By June 11, 2010No Comments

Once you have some images of what might be good for you and your church through the process we identified yesterday, you may want to set it aside with the promise that you will take another breathing space at a later date. It would be good to identify that date in your calendar. Doing so can have a couple of advantages. First, it is much more likely to happen if it is in your calendar. Second, it informs the creative genies in your subconscious to get to work while you are busy with other things.

Let us assume that you have now arrived at a second breathing session. You’ve ordered your coffee, found a good corner to sit in, and perhaps booted up your IPad or laptop. Now, look at some of your notes and start identifying some achievable goals in one of the areas. Be creative and allow yourself to have some fun in fleshing out the possibility. Don’t make them too big and do make them specific.

Underneath a goal, put down the names of some people that could help move the idea towards becoming a reality. Spell out what you would need for them to do to help you. If you have your church directory available, even put down their phone numbers. Also identify some steps that you will have to do yourself. What you are doing is creating some steps that can be taken that are a piece of the bigger goal. Later, you can print that sheet out, have it on your desk, and when there is an extra few minutes, you can easily call one of those people or begin one of your steps.

If you repeat the process for three or four goals, you will have developed a plan for the future that can help you feel that you are moving in a positive direction. If some of your goals are also fun goals, you will also find yourself chuckling and enjoying yourself as you work. Allow it to be a refreshing time.

One extra that you might find fun is to do this with another trusted pastor who does the same thing with respect to his or her ministry. Your dreaming can stimulate each other.

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