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By September 3, 20143 Comments


Today will be a short post celebrating an event that still amazes me. Today I celebrate the 48th anniversary of my marriage to Sandra Jo Bowman McCutchan. If I needed any evidence of God’s blessings in my life, this would be at the center.


There are so many examples of “what might not have happened” leading up to our marriage that it boggles the mind. I chose to go to a small college in Ohio. My wife was not planning to go to college at all until about four months before the semester began. We might not have met. Then we had the usual ups and downs in our four years and at the end of those four years, I went off to the Peace Corps without any expressed commitment to our future together. I still don’t understand why, but she waited until I returned and came to my senses and proposed to her. I can’t even tell you that we were more aware, educated, sensitive to what sustains a marriage than others who didn’t stay married, but whatever the cause, we not only endured but flourished in our marriage.


That is enough words. If you read this, celebrate with me the amazing, almost accidental, power of love that I have the privilege to share.


  • Bill Hull says:

    Congratulations and blessing to two beautiful people that I am privileged to have as friends.

  • Jim Hartley says:

    Celebrated our 48th this past June! Story leading up to it is as convoluted as yours, if not more so. So many choices that were not made with the other in mind (initially because we didn’t know each other yet) that somehow, by God’s grace, brought us together and kept us at least within communicating distance (separate colleges, two-year difference in classes, year of study in Germany) for four years until we got married. It is a miracle sometimes how that happens! And that’s not fully answering the question of “Why?”

  • Susan C. Scott says:

    You are a dynamic duo — so glad you stayed the course with and for each other and the God you both serve. Happy Anniversary!

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