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By May 1, 2019One Comment

From the beginning, humans have created organizations and institutions to help them manage their interests and desires. We have banks and investment companies to help us with our money. We ask schools to bring together teachers to advance our knowledge. We have charities, corporations, sports teams, medical facilities, churches, governments, and the list continues.

What happens when you can no longer trust an institution to fulfill its intended purpose. Yet try to think of one major institution in our society that has not been plagued with scandal and corruption in the last decade. Is it any wonder that our society is filled with cynicism and our behavior often erupts in bizarre behavior and our political actions are either apathy or extreme. People often feel helpless to make a positive difference. They have lost the ability to trust anyone except a few individuals near to them.


I believe in the thesis that

Healthy Clergy Make Healthy Congregations.

I am fully aware that churches are among the institutions that have been plagued with scandals by both their members and their leaders. However, building Paul’s quotation from God in 1 Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness,” I believe that we can nurture healthy spiritual leadership that can enable healthy congregations to provide renewed hope and courage in our society.

Imagine that you could take steps that would enable the church to become a healthy influence on a society that has grown to distrust almost all institutions and most people who are beyond arm’s length. Picture a church providing a healthy model of how to respond to conflict creatively in the midst of a fractured society. How can you build healthy teamwork between the church governing body and the clergy who work together for a healthy church? Can the regional body implement a program that nurtures both clergy and congregation in a healthy manner?


In the next several months, I’m going to create five pamphlets that provide steps for nurturing a healthy congregation with healthy leadership.

  • A two year plan for a regional body to support the health of clergy.
  • A governing body plan for nurturing teamwork between them and the clergy.
  • Introducing a congregation to creative ways to face conflict.
  • A healthy beginning to a new pastor coming to a congregation.
  • Engaging a whole congregation in a spiritual conversation that deepens their faith.

Tell me the top two pamphlets you think can provide you with assistance. Tell me your choice at When the votes are counted, those who voted for the top two will receive a free pdf of those topics.

I’d also be interested in future topics that might help you contribute to healthy clergy making healthy congregations.

One Comment

  • Sue Riggle says:

    Thank you for this! My top two picks are:
    1. A two year plan for a regional body to support the health of clergy.
    2. Engaging a whole congregation in a spiritual conversation that deepens their faith.
    These two go hand in hand!

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