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ClergySpiritual Health

A Spiritual Mood Color

By December 29, 2010No Comments

Sometimes it is helpful to approach a subject from a completely different perspective. As you end 2010, I want to suggest a brief exercise to monitor your spiritual mood. To note where you are at this point in time spiritually, take a few minutes to do the following.

First, choose a color. Don’t over-think this. Simply think of a rainbow of colors and select the color that pops into your mind.

Now, again we are not operating on a rational basis but dipping below the rationale. Imagine that color as a symbol that points to where you are sensing you are spiritually at this moment. Either on a piece of paper or on your computer, write for five to ten minutes on the possible meaning of that symbol for you.

What does the color remind you of? What does it suggest as to your spiritual journey at this point in time? What are some of the factors in your life and ministry that may contribute to this being a symbol of where you are? Where do you see God moving in your life that has resulted in this being your color?

Let your writing be stream of conscience. Just keep writing. Don’t stop to think about it. just write.

Go back and read what you have written. How does it make you feel? Does it suggest specific actions that you think you should take in response to what you have written.

Now let it go. Continue with other agenda items in your life. If it floats back into your memory from time to time, reflect on what it is communicating to you.

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