It is the end of July. You may have had a vacation during July or you may be squeezing in a few days during August. However, as you proceed into August, it is hard to avoid that the program year will pick up soon and it will run with little break until Christmas is over.
So before the heavy season begins, I urge you to take some time to dream. Find a place where you won’t be interrupted and grant yourself the gift of at least a half a day or more.
Take some time to dream about some possible futures. Include some that are absolutely impossible.
Dream about being offered a fantastic new career opportunity. What are some possibilities? What adjustments would need to be made if you accepted? How would your family respond? What about your friends?
Dream about winning a multi-million dollar lottery. What would you like to do with that overwhelming source of funds? What would be the challenges you would face? What are problems that you would like to avoid? How would it affect your friends and family? How do you think it would affect you–your values, life-style, etc.
Dream about being able to have major influence on resolving a problem in your community. If you could choose, what issue would you select? Who would be your major supporters and opponents? How would you want your church to be involved if they were to join you in solving this issue?
If you could convince twenty people in your congregation that they needed to dramatically increase their devotion and commitment to God and church, which twenty people would you choose? How would their increased commitment be manifested in church and society? How would the church respond?
If you could change one characteristic or quality in your life, what would it be? How might that change affect those around you? How would that change affect your daily life?
If you were to become absolutely obedient to one of Jesus’ teachings, which one would you choose? How do you think it would affect your life and resolutions.
If you could fulfill one dream in your life, what would that be?