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Church in an Evolving World

A World Sin Filled Souls

By September 16, 2008No Comments

If sin is the alienation or distancing which we experience as a result of act, attitude, fear, desire or indifference which has marred our relationship with God or neighbor, then we live in a world of sin-filled souls. If sin is a rebellion against God who desires that the whole world be reconciled to the Divine purpose which is expressed in total love of God and neighbor, then we live in a world of sin-filled souls.

If Christians are not disturbed by the world in which they live, one has to raise questions as to their perception of reality. People do not have to understand or accept the religious terminology to experience the conditions that leave them alienated and ill at ease with other people and God. The lack of meaning, misplaced values and destructive life style of many suggest souls in need of curing.

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