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Affirmation of the Call

By July 23, 2009No Comments

I will always remember the pleasure I experienced when my church had a surprise celebration for my 25th anniversary of my ordination and my tenth year as their pastor. They even printed some false bulletins that they gave to me so I thought I was conducting a regular service and then passed the real bulletin out to the congregation. When the service began and I gave the call to worship, they then proceeded to hi-jack the service. It was still a genuine worship service that glorified God but it also celebrated and gave thanks for my call to ministry. It was a powerful reminder of God’s call in my life and the way that God had worked through the Body of Christ in using my gifts.

I think that sessions should pay attention to those anniversaries and occasionally celebrate and affirm the call of their pastors. It would be a good time for the whole church to review their understanding of God’s call in all of their lives and that call that set their pastor aside to serve the church.

It might also be a time to have the session reflect on their understanding of how God might be calling their pastor in this particular church and how it might be, at times, in tension with the desire to please everyone all the time. Where does the session see areas where God’s call may be a challenge for the church. How can they support their pastor in responding faithfully to that call.

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