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Church in an Evolving World

Avoiding the Root of All Evil

By December 12, 2008No Comments

When the wise men visited the baby Jesus in Nazareth, it is said that they offered him their gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh. (Matthew 2:11)

The Word of God was revealed in the wisdom of the world submitting their wealth and splendor in obedience to the Christ child. While there are no stories of Jesus deliberately seeking the gifts of wealth for himself or even on behalf of his work, Jesus did receive the gifts of the wise men. And later we are told that he received support from some of the women who followed him. (Luke 8:3)

Jesus’ willingness to enjoy the company of tax collectors, who were often men of wealth, would suggest that association with wealth was not considered, in and of itself, to be an evil.

The church cannot avoid the company of money in this world. Can we see in Jesus’ life a relationship to wealth that does not distort our faith?

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