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Becoming Acquainted with the Congregation

By January 11, 2011No Comments

A major challenge for not only the pastor but the pastor’s family is how to get a sense of the congregation as a whole. Even if a PNC does its best to represent the congregation, they don’t reflect the various opinions, ideas, and personalities that exist in any congregation. Some of this requires time for people to interact, but there are some things that can help facilitate the process.

In coordination with the new pastor, a series of small group meetings across the congregation could be set up over the first three or four months. Since there will be many other demands on both the pastor and family in the first months, it is probably best to space these meetings out to one or no more than two a week. Do it in homes, rather than the church so that the pastor can become acquainted with where the people live. In some cases the children, depending on their ages might come if other children are going to be present. It is important that the pastor’s spouse be present. To make this possible, it would be good if baby sitting could be arranged if the children are young or an arrangement with a family with youth of similar ages if they are older.

The purpose is both to meet each other and begin to share expectations. Towards that end, it would be good if a set of four or five questions be worked out ahead of time to be used at all meetings. Some basic questions might be: What is something that you are most proud of in the church’s ministry? What is one hope you have for the future of the congregation? What is one thing about the congregation that you would like the pastor to know? What is one area in which you would like to see and support change occurring? What is something you hope won’t change? What is one thing you expect from any pastor?

When you have heard the majority of the congregation reflect on these or similar questions, you will have a pretty good sense of the challenge and promise of ministry before you.

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