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Becoming Like a Little Child (Again)

By October 4, 2010No Comments

As you seek to discern where God is calling you in your retirement phase, I would offer you some possible guidelines.

1. Satisfaction measure. As you reflected back on your career in ministry, there were certain areas that gave you more satisfaction than others. Make use of that awareness as parameters of what you engage in now.
2. An energy thermometer. A friend suggested that as he is invited to engage in certain activities, he notes whether the prospect fills him with energy or makes him exhausted just thinking about it. There are certain areas of ministry that I was good at but the thought of doing it again drains rather than energizes me. Also, there are prospects that fill you with energy just thinking about it. I get excited considering the possibility of using stand-up comedy as a tool of ministry. The thought of administering a church again does not fill me with the same energy. That may be a helpful clue.
3. Recognize the freedom from “grasping” that is now available to you. You no longer have to build a career. Hopefully you are able to survive economically, even if you have to cut back on some things to achieve that. While your reputation is important, you can take some risks that perhaps you were not able to take earlier on. Explore what it may mean for you to stop grasping and focus more on being who you sense God calling you to be.
4. Don’t neglect allowing biblical imagery to play a part in your discernment. What biblical imagery continues to speak to you about God’s presence in your life. One of the images that relates to number three is Jesus’ invitation to become like a little child again. At least part of that imagery is one who trusts rather than grasps for the future.

May it be so for you.

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