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ClergySpiritual Health

Being a Mentor

By July 21, 2010No Comments

Most of us are aware of the positive benefits from contributing to another person’s well being. It is not only more blessed to give than receive, it also feels good as well.

If you are looking for an activity than can contribute to your own spiritual health, consider the possibility of being a mentor to someone else. It is an affirming experience to find positive ways to draw upon your experience to benefit a colleague in the ministry.

There are several possible ways that this can become a reality. If there is a seminary near you, they are frequently looking for experienced clergy who will share their experiences with seminary students.

Some presbyteries already have, but you could also be part of initiating a program where clergy who are coming into the presbytery are assigned a mentor for the first year or so. This is particularly helpful for young pastors who are beginning their ministry. Even for experienced clergy, it is helpful to relate to someone who already knows the territory.

A third less formal way is to deliberately seek out some new clergy in the community and simply invite them to lunch. At the lunch you can share some of your experiences during your time in the community and also make yourself available for any future questions the person might have.

Since we are often alert to the rumor mill among clergy, we are often made aware when a particular clergy is under a lot of pressure. You might be surprised at the welcome you would receive if you made a call and invited that clergy out to lunch. At the lunch you can be very upfront and tell him or her that you have heard that they have been under a lot of pressure. Offer to listen without judgement to him or her. The uniqueness that you can bring to such a situation is that you are familiar with the nature of ministry and some of the complexity of relating to a congregation. This is particularly powerful if the person is from another denomination because then there isn’t even the concern about career competition.

Try it. You will discover your own blessings from such an experience.

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