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By April 1, 2020No Comments


If you believe God can confront chaos and begin to bring order by speaking a word at creation, it would be very nice if we could hear a new word for our chaotic world. The nation, and I suspect the world, has grown chaotic and wary. As one columnist said, “Uneasy is our new default.” 

In our new situation, it would help if there could be some consensus on the facts of our situation. If we could just agree on the basic facts, then we could debate alternative options, but at least we would all accept the parameters of the challenge before us. Alas, tell me a discipline in our society that agrees on the nature of the virus and the challenge that it presents us. We accept that politicians live to disagree, but what about the scientists, the medical experts, or the historians.  This is not to mention the debate among Christian leaders as to what is happening and how we should respond.


So what does our faith suggest about how we should live when the conditions of life are strange and nothing seems certain.  What I offer is only a partial image drawn from my reading of Scripture. I offer for your reflection the story told of when the Israelites entered the wilderness.

Consider the situation in which they found themselves from a human perspective. They had lived in an urban environment in Egypt and now they were in a truly strange land. It was a time of uncertainty and none of the old rules could be trusted.

As I read the story, they did two things that I think might be helpful for us. First, they reaffirmed their trust in God to lead them through the wilderness.

Second, they listened to God to provide them a basic framework by which they were to shape their life. We know that as the Ten Commandments.

That didn’t immediately solve all their problems. They faced many challenges as they traveled on, but their faith in God provided them an anchor of certainty in their uncertain world.


Consider some central theological concepts that a pastor might draw upon for the congregation and for self.

  1. An emphasis on the sovereignty of God. In an uncertain world, people need to be reminded that we believe that God is Lord of history. It is God, not the politicians, personal wealth, or bright ideas that we look to for the future. If our prayer is accurate, “Thy will be done on EARTH as it is in heaven,” then we are looking for that hope in our earthly life. Human institutions do let us down, but God can be trusted.
  2. Humans, even the best of humans, are imperfect. That goes for our institutions as well. We don’t need to look for the perfect politician, preacher, or church to save us. We need to look for ways that imperfect people can build community and support each other in building a better life.
  3. Like Abraham and Sarah, when they began this venture of faith, or Israel in the wilderness, we are on a journey without a clear set of answers but with a God who we can trust. Naturally, we will make mistakes and even suffer a little. But on the way, we can experience joy, creativity, and belonging. We are not alone, and if we are compassionate to each other, we will be led to a better place.

This is a beginning, let us explore more in future blogs.

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Steve McCutchan

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