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ClergyMultiple Staff

Being Pastor to a Staff (4)

By January 21, 2013No Comments

Most clergy recognize that some of their most important ministry is done quietly and often out of public view. For example, very few people see what the pastor of a church does that nurtures and strengthens the members of the church’s staff. Yet keeping a healthy and coordinated staff may be one of the more effective things a pastor can do to effect a healthy ministry. The work of those members of your staff that make the ministry strong also often happens without a lot of recognition.

One of the things that a head of staff can do that will strengthen the church’s overall ministry is to take time to express appreciation to a member of the staff when they have done something well. A note or email to that effect can pay significant benefits.

A powerful contribution to uplifting members of your staff would be to recognize either a birthday or anniversary of their employment in a way that would invite others to express their appreciation. Many members of a congregation will enjoy the opportunity to send a small note or message in celebration of such an event if they are alerted to the date. You can send out a message that says this pastor or staff person will be celebrating their anniversary of employment next Wednesday. If you have experienced a blessing from their ministry, now would be an appropriate time to express it to them.

Not only will that person like to receive such notes but those who send them will be reminded of important moments in the church’s life that have contributed to their faith journey. Everyone will benefit.

Sometimes such anniversaries are celebrated by collecting money for a gift, and occasionally that is good, but the frequent expression of thanks can have even more lasting benefits.


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