
Writing with
Steve McCutchan

Steve spent thirty-eight years in the pastoral ministry interpreting the Gospel to lay people who experience the tension of division in their world. For twenty-three years, he combined ministry with his middle-class congregation with monthly involvement in counseling the poor in his city. In 1992, his church joined three predominantly black and two other predominantly white churches to found the Presbyterian Inter-Racial Dialogue which celebrated twenty years of breaking down the barriers of racism with the publication of Let’s Have Lunch, Conversation, Race, and Community. He helped establish a Hispanic ministry in Winston-Salem, participated in regular activities with the Jewish community, and shared in an interfaith, interracial Habitat build that included Christians, Jews, and Muslims; Caucasians, Blacks, and Hispanics.

The author published Experiencing the Psalms with Smyth & Helwys that in 2000, received the Jim Angell award from the Presbyterian Writer’s Guild for the best first book published by a Presbyterian in that year. He published three devotional books based on the lectionary, and commentary on Matthew, Good News for a Fractured Society.

Since retirement in 2006, he has focused on developing resources to assist in supporting healthy spiritual leadership. This includes a nine-volume series, Healthy Clergy Make Healthy Congregations.  He has also written three mystery-thriller novels involving clergy, A Star and a Tear and Blessed Are the Peacemakers and Shock and Awe which tells the story about a White church becoming honest about racism and being surprised by God’s invitation. He continues to develop resources for clergy, congregations, and judicatories on how to nurture healthy spiritual leadership and how to develop antiraicism in a way that nurtures members spiritually on his blog,

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Good News for a Fractured Society

Taught by Steve McCutchan
Matthew Speaks to Divisions of Power, Wealth, Gender, & Religious Pluralism