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By January 6, 20172 Comments


Many of you know that despite 1144 nominations by friends and book lovers, Kindle Scout decided not to publish my novel Blessed Are the Peacemakers. While I am disappointed, there is a good PLAN B. They commit to inform all of those 1144 nominators when it is published, which is pretty good book launch publicity.

So I have published it with Kindle and will soon have it as a printed book on Amazon. You may go to,  or my website and see the book.


Why would anyone want to read Blessed Are the Peacemakers?

Here are my eleven reasons

  1. A psychological mystery thriller that explores our response to violence in our society.
  2. Shows the role of pastors in responding to violence in our society.
  3. Demonstrates the way faith works through human pastors who struggle with real issues in life.
  4. Illustrates how the church has a significant role to play in our society.
  5. Helps the reader think through complex issues while enjoying a good story.
  6. Offers a mystery that engages while stimulating fresh ways to think about the role of violence in our society.
  7. Suggests why violence is attractive to humans who feel overwhelmed by the complexity of our world.
  8. Explores the relationship between violence and our hunger for transcendence.
  9. Provides an image of dignity for the role of pastoral leadership.
  10. Shows the interrelationship between faith, violence, humor, honesty, doubt, and human interaction in our church communities.
  11. Provides an image of healthy relationships in the midst of stressful challenges in life.

This is an action adventure novel that will also cause you to think and want to discuss with friends how to respond to the forces that are dividing us as a society and what are the reasons we have for hope.

If any of these reasons would benefit a friend, pass the word along.



  • Congrats on the 1144 nominations!

    I downloaded “Blessed Are the Peacemakers” through Kindle Unlimited and was hooked by the first couple of chapters.

    Keep writing!

  • Robert Zimmer says:

    Very engaging and certainly within the realm of possibilities, given the present socio-political climate and a spirit of negativity about organized Christian religion. A very worthwhile read!

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