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Emotional Health


By April 8, 2020One Comment



In our current crisis, it is very easy for us to feel anxious, uneasy, and blue. Especially when we are trying to shelter in place. The lack of our normal business and social interactions, can easily allow some negative feelings begin to dominate us. If our biblical heroes are any example, and especially the prayers in the Psalms, those dark feelings are not a failure to have enough faith. In fact, sometimes it is in walking through dark valleys that we deepen our faith. It’s part of our God given nature.

All of us experience down times. Sometimes it is caused by crisis like we are experiencing, but sometimes it is the result of plans gone awry or a negative comment that we took too much to heart. At other times, for no reason we can point to, we just feel blue. I know a lot of pastors who experience what many of us refer to as Sunday afternoon depression. We’ve poured our energy into providing a good worship experience for our congregation, but now that is over. No matter how well things went, we have to start all over again. Many times we just weather the feelings knowing that it won’t last. But what do we do if the Blues linger?


It is important to recall the power of doing something nice for another person. It is especially powerful if the gesture is totally unexpected. To spark our imagination, let me suggest three very simple actions that you could take. Once you have the idea, you will think of several more.

  1. Think of someone you like but haven’t been in touch with lately. Write them a brief note—that’s right, a real handwritten note, no cheating with Facebook or even email. In your note, tell them that you happen to think about them and recalled some good experiences you had had together. Share a couple of good memories. Because we live in a suspicious age, you might want to clarify that you weren’t asking for anything in return but just wanted to share some good memories.
  2. Here is a crazy idea. Identify a teenager in your congregation or one connected to an adult you know. Think of three positive qualities in that person. Send them a small gift certificate to someplace like McDonalds or Wendys. Share with them the three qualities that you thought about and tell them you hope they will celebrate themselves with a treat given to them in gratitude. Unfortunately, we live in a difficult world so it might be wise to email or otherwise communicate with the parent a brief explanation of what you have done so that they can be comfortable with your expression of affirmation of their child.
  3. Pick out three people in your church with whom you have some difficulty, either because of their attitude or behavior. Now pray seriously about each of them and try to identify some positive gifts they bring to the church. That exercise alone may have some benefit, but you are to take it one step further. Write each of them a brief note expressing your appreciation for their gifts. Don’t ask for anything in return. Just say thank  you and leave it at that.


I think what you will discover is that by taking the initiative to taking these positive actions and enjoying the fantasy of what their reaction will be like will lift your spirits.

You will also likely receive some positive response, but whether you do or not, you will feel better for having taken the action.


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