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ClergyMultiple Staff

Bringing on New Staff (2)

By June 29, 2010No Comments

In most cases when you bring on a new staff person, they are moving from another community. Sometimes we forget what a major readjustment that requires. It could be very helpful for the search committee to brainstorm some of the numerous decisions, contacts, and orientation that will be necessary. Home rent or purchase and location. If the person has children, there are issues of schools. Finding doctors, grocery stores, shopping centers, etc.

Consider how helpful it would be if the committee separated these into categories and identified a person that could be helpful in each area. You might share the list with the new person and ask what additions should be made. That list, together with phone numbers could ease a lot of stress. It might also be helpful to say from the beginning that you understand that certain time periods need to be set aside during the work week to explore the area.

Next, identify a person in a similar position in a nearby church and ask if they would be willing to take that person on a half-day tour of the community and introduce him or her to community resources that might be helpful. My wife recently took a new pastor around the community and showed her some of the major social service agencies and explained what they did. In the process she met the people in charge as well as got a sense of the larger community.

What you are doing is demonstrating hospitality in a practical way. It benefits both the church and the new person and helps them have a strong beginning.

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