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Called in Retirement

By October 7, 2010No Comments

After you have spent some time cleansing yourself of accumulated cynicism and healing the wounds of the past, it is time to breathe deeply and consider where God is calling you in retirement.

One of the values of the retirement is that you are free to focus and revisit neglected passions and gifts. What did you have to put aside because of the demands of your profession? What were the areas that you felt you neglected because you didn’t have time? It would be good to try to articulate some of those neglected areas, gifts, and passions. Of course because of age and health, some of them can not be revisited in the same fashion. I’ve enjoyed hiking and camping but some forms of that have to be fond memories as I approach 70 years of age.

When you look at your list of gifts and passions that can still be addressed, what area gives you a measure of energy and satisfaction as you consider it. Some have found satisfaction in taking a single area of ministry, like pastoral visitation, pulpit supply, helping a social service agency. Others have branched out into being a mentor, doing some teaching, or writing. Some have moved into new areas like a focus on the environment, or addressing a particular social justice issue.

Sure there is time for some leisure experiences, but consider the possibility that God is not through with you yet. Where do you feel called to ministry in this new stage in your life?

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