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Calls are Dynamic

By October 1, 2010No Comments

Yesterday you examined in written form how God had initially called you to ministry and noted any clues in that process that might be helpful in your present moment. When you are ready, and that may mean weeks or even months, take some time to briefly note changes that have occurred in your sense of call over your career. Again, they may have been dramatic or simply evolving changes. I stayed in the pastorate for my entire career, but I did move to three different churches in significantly different geographical locations. Others may move from pastoral ministry to teaching, chaplaincy, etc. As you note what has happened for you, also note what led you to those decisions. Again, you are looking for clues as to how God moves in your life to direct your ministry.

As you look back on your career, it is not only OK but important to note those experiences that contributed to your sense of cynicism about ministry. God can work through the negative as well as the positive. However, also note what gave you the highest satisfaction in your life. One of the great freedoms of retirement is that we can afford to direct more energy towards what gave us satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment.

As you look at the changes that occurred, are there patterns and clues that can speak to you about the direction of the future?

We will look at this again on Monday.

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