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Care For Yourself

By December 20, 2010No Comments

As we approach the end of Advent and the celebration of Christmas, let me suggest that you overcome your guilt and treat yourself to one item of self-care. I will suggest some of the resources that I have developed but it might also be some other book or disc that you have noted on the market. Don’t pick something big and expensive but just a small item that speaks of loving yourself.

A couple of years ago David Bailey, a courageous troubadour who died this past October, joined with me to produce a CD called A Deep Well for the Pastor. We combined a series of brief meditations with some of David’s songs to speak to the stresses of ministry. We agreed that the profits from the CD would go to the Presbytery Pastoral Care Network (PPCN). .

The CD is about one hour long, separated into 27 tracks that intersperse meditations and music. Our intention is that you could pop it into your car CD as you drive along or at a quiet moment in your office and receive some refreshment. You can get a copy for $10 by calling 1-800-524-2612 and asking for OGA-08-099.

You can also check out that website for other resources on pastoral care.

Tomorrow I will suggest a liturgical resource that I have created.

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