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Celebrating One’s Call at Presbytery (2)

By November 2, 2011No Comments

If the Scriptures are correct, there is no age limit to when God may call you. When I retired in 2006, I retired from a significant phase of my life, but God continues to be active in my life and I am still shaped by God’s call. Too often, in presbytery, we have a quick recognition of a pastor’s retirement but then move on to others. I wonder if there would not be value in occasionally recognizing God’s call in the lives of our retired pastors.

Picture the effect of occasionally recognizing God’s call in the lives of our retired pastors. What about inviting all retired pastors to come before the presbytery at one of their meetings. Speak before presbytery of the importance of their service and perhaps inquire of new phases of God’s call that they have discovered in retirement. Maybe even compose a litany in which all would participate. You might begin with Isaiah 43:1B, “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.” Then asked those retired pastors to say in one sentence one aspect of their ministry in the past that they remember fondly. Then quote Isaiah 43:18-19, “Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” Then ask them to describe in one or two sentences the new direction that their call is taking.

After the sharing, have at least one active pastor per retiree to come forward and lay their hand upon each of them and offer a prayer of thanks for their ministry in the past and blessings for their future.

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