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Celebrating One’s Call at Presbytery (3)

By November 3, 2011No Comments

A third aspect of affirming one’s call might be for the presbytery to take a few minutes to recognize and pray for the newest clergy among them.

At another meeting of presbytery, ask all those who have been ordained in the last 5 years to come forward.

Before the meeting ask three or four seasoned pastors to consider one concrete hope that they might have for pastors just beginning their ministry. With the new pastors before them, ask these pastors to share their thoughts.

A spokesperson might mention the value of the gathered pastors indicating their personal support to these new pastors through some form of communication within the next week. then quote 1 Corinthians 12:26, “If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it.”

Following this sharing, invite the gathered body to speak out single words or phrases of support for these clergy.

Then ask them to kneel as the body lifts them up by name in prayer.

Finally have a time for the passing of the peace among all clergy and conclude with a signing of the Doxology.

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