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Church in an Evolving World

Challenging a Violent Society and Its Children

By November 19, 2008No Comments

On the one hand, one can view these various programs and activities related to children and youth as simply a sociological response to family needs within our society which an organization has provided on behalf of their constituency. But can we also look at what God may be revealing through the Body of Christ by means of this response to children and youth?

In a violent society in which a leading cause of children’s death is caused by abuse and the vast majority of those imprisoned were abused as children, does the church’s continuing efforts to be present to children and youth of all ages give testimony to the importance of Jesus’ statement: “Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes not me but the one who sent me.”? (Mark 9:37)

The church is one of the few institutions in our society in which a continuing intergenerational experience is an expected reality. Even schools segregate ages and rarely provide the possibility of people learning from each other across these age barriers.

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