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Changing Denominations

By January 5, 2008No Comments

I have just finished a term as an interim General Presbyter at Salem Presbytery. It has given me a fresh perspective on the future of denominations. It is clear that denominations are changing in their shape and activity. It is not yet clear what form they will take in the future.

One major factor in this change is the fact that the membership of most local churches have a majority of people who were not reared in the tradition of the particular church. They did not join because of the denominational tie but for a myriad of other reasons. Therefore, they have little loyalty to or understanding of the denomination as an entity above them.

It is also true that our society has a high level of distrust of any institution outside of their direct awareness. They easily assume the worst with respect to actions of a denomination that they don’t understand.

Third, they often are not aware of any direct benefit coming from the upper levels of the denomination. As one elder said to me when we were debating our pledge to the denomination, “I’m not trying to be negative but what benefit to we receive from the denomination?

In future posts I want to explore possible shapes that may emerge for denominations.

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