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ClergyEmotional Health

Checking Your Emotional Health

By October 18, 2010No Comments

OK, last week we spent time on ways to take your vocational health. Now I want to suggest it is also a good idea occasionally to pause and take your temperature in other areas as well. Today I want to suggest that you also pause from time to time to take your emotional temperature.

This can be less extensive than what we explored about your vocational pulse. Please make sure that you are not doing this at your low ebb during the day. For example, I know that from about 4 till 7 p.m. is the low ebb in my day. For me it would be best to check myself earlier in the day. It need not take a long time, but it does need to be a set-aside, uninterruptable private time.

A simple process would be to either have your own private meal at a restaurant or take a walk in a park. During that time, ask yourself such questions as “How am I feeling about my ministry, my personal self, and my personal stage in life.” Also, “where do I see God or the absence of God in what is happening in my life?” Take each one at a time and give yourself permission to probe a little deeper into how you would answer the question. Perhaps you could even engage in a meditative dialogue with God about such questions. Either at the restaurant or on a nice park bench, you might even want to write out some of your reflections.

If you are feeling fairly good about your life, simply make note of the date and time of such feelings and offer a prayer of thanksgiving. There may be times in the future when you are feeling differently and it is good to be able to recall when you felt blessed as well. However, if in one of the areas of your life, you are feeling low, even despondent, then you need to describe such feelings and any conditions that might be leading to such feelings. In some cases there are obvious steps you need to take. Don’t neglect the possibility of setting up a time with a spiritual director or mentor and allow them to help you probe these feelings.

Your emotional feelings are important.

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