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Christmas Hope and Your Ministry

By December 29, 2017One Comment


Consider the conditions for the birth of Christ or the birth of the Word of God. The Word of God found expression in an unexpected place, a fragile form, and a way easily ignored. Now, consider your call to ministry as a servant of the Word of God.

In what way could it be considered unexpected that you would be called to ministry? Consider the possibilities that things might have turned out differently. Write two or three statements that respond to that question.


In what way do you feel fragile in your call? In a recent poll, a large percentage of ministers admitted that they felt unprepared for the challenges of ministry. Write two or three statements honestly expressing your own sense of fragility.

In what way do you feel as if your attempt to convey God’s word is ignored? Where do you feel disrespected, ignored, or not taken seriously? Write two or three statements in response to that.


As your Christmas present to yourself, recognize that a small baby in an insignificant corner of the world whose birth was largely ignored by those living in the world at the time became God’s initiative to transform the world. We don’t yet know how it will all be brought to fulfillment but we do know that the world continues to be affected by that precious birth. Consider what God may yet do with your call to ministry and give thanks for the privilege.

Have a Blessed Christmas and look towards 2018 with expectations. Maybe even begin with a good mystery. AStarAndATear

One Comment

  • Wonderful thoughts, well-written.

    I especially like how it reinforces the importance of “other directedness” that I’ve seen reflected in your “Narcisism…” and “Christmas Hope” blogs.

    This is an issue I’m working on in my own spiritual development. But your blogs have been helping me to consider how I can incorporate it into our “Caring Teams” project where we are prompting professionals who provide medical, emotional and/or spiritual care to help themselves – and the seniors, adults and teens they serve – to find “Less Stress, Better Health and More Love.” (see for more information – and click on the drop-down menu under “welcome” to see how we’re addressing this in churches; mental health and health care organizations; worksites; and families.

    The booklets and other content on the website can be downloaded without charge – and I’d welcome advice, suggestions and collaboration from Pastor Steve and any others who read this.
    Thank you!

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