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By April 2, 2014No Comments


OK, I’m writing this ahead of time but if all has gone well, we are now living in St. Petersburg, Florida at a Presbyterian retirement community called Westminster Shores. We are undoubtedly still unpacking boxes and wondering what our future will be like.

I still intend to continue writing about keeping clergy healthy and writing some more fiction. If you are so inclined, I will be leading a workshop this fallĀ  for the Presbytery Pastoral Care Network’s annual conference. It will be held at First Presbyterian in Houston, Texas on October 27-30. The theme will be REDISCOVERING THE BELOVEDĀ  COMMUNITY: Overcoming Isolation. We welcome anyone from any tradition who is interested in keeping clergy healthy. You can find out more information on the PPCN webpage, .


Church people are different

They come together to worship God

They discuss how God wants them to live

They share their wealth with the less fortunate

They fight with each other with a smile on their faces

Church people are different

Unlike atheists, they believe God created the world

Unlike agnostics, they are certain about what they don’t understand

Unlike secularists they believe there is more to life than meets the eye

Unlike spiritualists, they believe faith is embodied in physical life

Unlike Jesus, they practice a limited form of forgiveness and grace

Church people are different

They pray that God’s name will be hallowed but join other golfers in bringing God’s name to bear on their golf shot

They pray “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” but continue to share the world’s skepticism about our future

They pray that God will give them this day their daily bread but still stress about their retirement packages

They hope that God will forgive their debts even if they continue to struggle with forgiving their debtors

They affirm that the kingdom, power, and glory belong to God but they fear that some superpowers may not accept that

Oh yeah, that’s what Pilate thought also.

So the good news really is that “we are saved by grace and not by works lest anyone should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)

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