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Clarifying Your Call

By September 19, 2011No Comments

Sometimes people will say to me “I haven’t filled out my PIF (Personal Information Form) because I’m not sure whether I’m ready to move yet. My suggestion is that filling out the PIF may help to clarify where you are.
Filling out the form does not commit one to moving. Sometimes as a person writes out their thoughts about their interests and intentions with respect to ministry, they discover that their current situation is where they should remain. At other times, a person may not have a clear direction in mind, but having filled out the PIF, they receive a response that really excites them. It may open up new avenues in ministry that had not been previously considered. Also, if nothing comes along that interests you, that also may be a reason for re-evaluating your present situation. You are not betraying your present situation by opening up the possibility of alternate possibilities.
There is another writing exercise that may also help you clarify your situation. Try to put into words what your ministry will look like five years from now if you stay in your current situation or if you respond to another opportunity. Be as honest as you can be with how either direction may affect you, your family, and your sense of satisfaction and integrity. All are valid parts for your consideration.
When you have written your five year projections, share them with your spouse and invite their response. First, they are significantly affected by such decisions and should be part of the process. Second, when you try to explain your thought process to another person, their perspective can help you process your own thinking. Ministry takes place in relationships, and your spouse is part of who you are in ministry.

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