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Clergy Drop Out (3)

By February 14, 2012No Comments

Let’s take these causes for clergy dropping out of the ministry one at a time.

First, some people experience a deep disillusionment when their idealism confronts the reality of the church. What ministry requires does not seem to be coherent with what was envisioned in God’s call. If you are struggling with disillusionment, what are some counter forces that you might draw upon that can help you cope and transform disillusionment into re-commitment to the ministry?

Whether your experience of disillusionment comes after a couple of years in the ministry or thirty-five years in the ministry, there are two initial steps that you need to take. Both of these steps may seem obvious but they are very important. The first step is to get these growing feelings out of your head and objectify them so that you can evaluate them. The most common way to do that is to write about them. Either on the computer for on paper, try to write about the disconnect that you are feeling between what you envisioned about the ministry and what you are experiencing in the ministry. Do not hold back and be as honest as you can. Another way to go about this is an exercise known as the list of ten. Make ten separate statements about what is disillusioning about the ministry. The first two or three statements are usually easy but by the time you get to eight or more, you are beginning to dig beneath the surface.

The second step is to find someone you respect who has been in the ministry for a number of years and ask him or her to read what you have written and then to meet with you and discuss both how you are feeling and how s/he has dealt with some of these same issues in the practice of ministry. It is important to realize that you are not the first person to face these issues and that a good mentor can be helpful in working through what you are experiencing.

There is wisdom in Genesis quotation from God that it is not good for a human being to be alone. Disillusionment can be isolating and we need to build community if we are to not let such feelings overwhelm us.

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