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Clergy Drop Out -Expectations (10)

By February 23, 2012No Comments

If you want to identify some of the key factors in clergy dropping out, there are probably few areas that are more important than identifying the expectations that the pastor has for the congregation. This may well be another topic that your email clergy friends could help you with initially. When you have worked it through, however, it should also be part of a discussion at least with the session if not the whole congregation. If the congregation and also the public has expectations for you as a pastor, it is also true that you have expectations for them. Some of the cynicism and disillusionment that can finally drive a pastor from the ministry is the failure of people to live up to the pastor’s expectations, spoken and often unspoken.

Your examination can be based on the same categories that we have previously used. First, try to identify several routine expectations that pastors have for members of the congregation. While you can do this by yourself, it will be much more fruitful if you share it with others. Do we expect members to speak well of the congregation in public? Do we expect them to be regular in their attendance? Try to think of at least four or more such expectations.

Moving to category two, what are your expectations of members that reflect their call or vocation as Christians? Do you expect them to seek forgiveness and be forgiving in relationship to others? Do you expect them to make prayer a regular part of their lives? Identify at least four more expectations.

In category three, you are looking at a more demanding but ultimately satisfying expectation for your members. Do you expect them to financially support the church in a significant way? Do you expect Christians to reflect the compassion of Christ for the less fortunate in society? Go ahead and name some more. In contrast to category two, you are considering some extra sacrifice but actions and attitudes that will contribute to their maturity as Christians.

Category four is important because unexamined expectations here can be a source of frustration for a pastor. What are the unreasonable expectations that you may need to set aside. Do you expect perfect attendance at worship? Do you expect them to always support you in whatever you do? Again, strive for several expectations that when examined, you may recognize as unreasonable.

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