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ClergyClergy Families

Clergy Drop out — Family (8)

By April 9, 2012No Comments

On this Easter Monday, when we have just celebrated the resurrection and new life, let us begin building a list of experiences that can be engaged in that help interrupt the normal stresses of life and provide us with new energy. For the most part, these should require only a couple of hours, and be able to be experienced without a lot of preparation. They need to be things that you can do almost at the last minute, so that they are available when you feel the need. Hopefully they can help you escape the pressures for a short time and restore some energy as well as relax you.

Today, I will suggest items for the pastor and then later we will look at possibilities for the whole family. None of these will be good for everybody but hopefully a person can pick out some that will help and maybe stimulate other ideas as well. Some will seem self-indulgent but at times it is necessary to love yourself so that you can love your neighbor.

Consider what type of exercise is satisfying for you. Do you like to run, walk, enjoy nature, lift weights, play tennis, golf, racquetball, etc. In preparation for having these available, do you need to take out a membership in a Y, locate a beautiful park with greenway trails, get some exercise equipment for the home, find a partner who can join you in the exercise, etc. Often having a partner, whether it is playing a sport, doing exercises, etc. will help support you in engaging in the experience. I play racquetball early in the morning. If I didn’t know someone was waiting for me, there would be mornings that I would just turn over and go back to sleep.
Is there a hobby that is refreshing for you. Do you like to paint, work with wood, knit, quilt, sculpt, or play the piano? Can you play a video game that for a brief time can absorb your attention. Do you enjoy a good movie, either at the theater or downloaded on your computer that could distract you for a couple of hours.
Sometimes I enjoy going off to a Starbucks and getting a good drink and just sitting and thinking. Is there a friend in some other location that would enjoy a regular scheduled skype conversation? Would you enjoy either listening to or watching a good standup comedy or even trying your hand at developing some jokes about your situation yourself. What about occasionally getting a good masauge or practicing yoga or Ti chi?

Drawing upon these suggestions and others you may think of, try making a good list of several possibilities for yourself. Write them down so that you don’t have to think of them when you are in immediate stress and need the help.

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